
EDP column by Professor Ketan Dhatariya “I recently developed some tingling and a rash on the left side of my chest. It was very painful afterwards and my GP told me I had shingles. What is this?” Shingles is a blistering rash that is caused by the same virus...

Shingles Encephalitis

EDP column by Professor Ketan Dhatariya “My uncle had shingles recently and even though he is physically better, his behaviour is different to before. Why is this?” Shingles is a blistering rash that is caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox – the...

Skin Cancer

EDP column by Professor Ketan Dhatariya “I have had tablet controlled diabetes for 6 years, and have now been put onto insulin. Does this mean I have gone from type 2 diabetes to type 1?” There are several sorts of skin cancer and lots of different causes. The one...

Slapped Cheek Disease

EDP column by Professor Ketan Dhatariya “My 5 year old son recently had cheeks that were bright red. He had a fever at the time. My doctor said he had slapped cheek disease. What is this?” Slapped cheek disease is a viral infection that is also known as Fifth...

Starve A Fever and Feed A Cold

EDP column by Professor Ketan Dhatariya “Is it true you should starve a fever and feed a cold?” The simple answer to this old wives tale is no, it is not true. It probably arose from people not having much of an appetite when they have a fever but retaining...


EDP column by Professor Ketan Dhatariya “I have heard that being on the cholesterol lowering tablets ‘stains’ are good for you. I am 68 years old, why am I not on them?” It’s true that being on cholesterol lowering tablets can do a lot of good. The technical...